Computational resources have such a significant influence on the operation of\nany software application, it is therefore important to understand how these\napplications utilize these resources. Modern resource-intensive enterprise and\nscientific applications are creating a growing demand for high performance\ncomputing infrastructures. They constantly interact with and rely heavily on\ncomplex resources. However, they often operate in resource-limited environments\nyet they often handle massive data, both in size and complexity. Software\napplication services, processes or transactions compete for the much required\nbut scarce resources. This creates the need to improve the existing resource\nallocation and management issue in such operational environments, as\nwell as propose new ones, if necessary. Software developers try to analyze application\noperation environment using diverse analysis and design methods.\nOur aim therefore, is to design a tool that is able to work with a hybrid of\nadaptive and prediction-based resource management and allocation models\nwhile applying the priority based job scheduling algorithm to try and solve the\napplication resource management challenges currently being faced in such\nenvironments, even if, partially.